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Before you start

What is Festivo?

Festivo is a software-as-a-service platform for data enrichment and automation support.

Festivo aggregates and verifies millions of sources to give you the chance to use our data intelligence and verification platform in your projects and data models using simple APIs that can be combined to create an ultimate solution for many issues covering basically unlimited use-cases, and that makes it very powerful tool for you and your business or project.

Getting API token

Getting API token to use Festivo products is super simple. Before you will be able to access Festivo dashboard, you'll need to create a free account. You can use your GitHub or Google account, or simply use your email and password to create Festivo account at

Once your account has been created, login to Festivo dashboard. You'll find your API token there.


Most of our APIs require authentication. This is done by simply providing your API token as api_key parameter directly within GET query as additional parameter, or using Authorization header using API-Key XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX format.

Accessing Public Holidays API using parameter

Simply add api_key parameter to GET query:

Accessing VAT Numbers & Rates API using Authorization header

Pass Authorization header and insert your API key using API-Key XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX format as value:

curl -i \
-H 'Accept:application/json' \

Accessing API endpoints

All public APIs are available under one, unified domain:

This domain is SSL-enabled and supported by a CDN to make sure our APIs are as low-latency as possible, wherever your services and customers may be.

Standard API-specific endpoins are build using following format:<version>/<product>